Objective: Use an analogRead function to input a signal from a photoresistor, and digital. Write function to create different colors from a RGB LED.
Project: As the photoresistor detects increasing light levels (according to the table below) the RGB LED will change colors. The RGB (Red Green Blue) LED is actually 3 different colored LEDs packaged into a single body. By lighting different combinations of the three colored LEDs, different colors can be created. The table below shows what LED color combinations will create, as well as the desired photoresistor readings:
Example Code:
Below is a portion of the code that would be used in the program described above. It would be in the function void loop()
if (sensorReading>920)
//display white
else if(sensorReading>900)
//display yellow
else if(sensorReading>850)
//display red
else if(sensorReading>800)
//display purple
else if(sensorReading>750)
//display blue
else if(sensorReading>600)
//display teal
else if(sensorReading>450)
//display green
5/3/2020 Project 10
https://murraystate.instructure.com/courses/1359835/assignments/5892388?module_item_id=13755093 2/2
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