works cited page Create and submit the Works Cited page for your Research paper. Your Works Cited page should follow MLA 8th Edition guidelines. A sample works cited page can be found in Lesson 8....
Argumentative essay I need: Topic: Is obesity a major health problem? If yes, then, what are the factors that are involved in making people obese? Include at least three resources. All of the...
Business Proposal Assigment You work as a communication specialist at Warby Parker, reporting to co-CEO David Gilboa. Using the skills you’ve been practicing in this course, respond to this...
(800-1000)Create an argument about one or two films by analyzing the film style used in two different scenes. Choose two scenes that we have not analyzed in detail in class from the 5 films listed...
a doll house Consider the symbols (the Christmas Tree or the Closed Doors) used in the first two acts of Ibsen’s A Doll’s House and choose the one that you are most interested in or...
Media Case Study Paper For detailed instructions on this assignment, please refer to the “ÂAssignment Instructions: Media Case Study Paper’ document in this week’s Module. You may...