Choose a biome and create a biome brochure. You can choose any of the biomes described in our textbook starting on pg 323 (tropical rainforest, tropical deciduous forest, tropical scrub, tropical...
Popular Questions - Earth Science – Geography
This is an open book exam – you may consult any sources you wish in answering the questions. However, this is not a research assignment and you should be able to respond using your notes, the...
Aviation Weather Demonstration of Mastery Exercise Weather Considerations for Airport Development This is a culminating activity that synthesizes most of the weather concepts covered thus far in the...
Instructions: Write a 1000-word (two pages single spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins) essay that discusses the links between coronavirus and core themes we have been...
CASE STUDY (Individual): Scotland * In terms of its physical landscape, where is the region that is experiencing a devolutionary process located and what type of climate is prevalent? (use Figure...
Instructions: A key theme we have covered thus far is the uneven geography of the Anthropocene. We have emphasized how infrastructure systems are socially and spatially uneven: not everyone can...