Term Paper:
The student is expected to write a term paper discussing the ideas, or major idea, of one economic theorist. The student must consult with the instructor before deciding on the theorist; but the choice must be from one of the following thinkers: Adam Smith, Jeremy Bentham, Thomas R. Malthus, David Ricardo, Karl Marx, John Stuart Mill, Carl Menger, William Stanley Jevons, Alfred Marshall, Thorstein Veblen, or John Maynard Keynes.
The term paper will consist of a 10-page paper (type-written with 12-point font, double spaced with one-inch margins) in the Author-Date style of citation. Students unfamiliar with Author-Date format should consult The Chicago Manual of Style as well as the following website: http://library.williams.edu/citing/styles/chicago2.php.
The paper must show evidence of having consulted academic articles. Popular, or lay, periodicals, such as Time Magazine or The Economist, or non-academic online sources, such as Wikipedia, will not be accepted. Examples of appropriate journals would be: History of Political Economy, The Journal of Economic Issues, the Review of Social Economics, The Review of Radical Political Economics, The Cambridge Journal of Economics or the Journal of Economic Literature. The student may consult with the instructor before determining whether or not an article has sufficient merit to be included in the term paper. The student is also strongly encouraged to consult The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics as well as the assigned text and other well-known histories of economic thought (consult the bibliography that will be posted on Blackboard).
Papers that do not follow the proper format and/or are sloppy will not get more than a C. If, in addition to this, the paper is poorly written, the most that can be expected will be a D.
The term paper must be submitted to me through email; it must first be saved as a Microsoft Word document file (doc or docx) and then sent to me as an attachment to an email. The file name must read as follows (assuming Im submitting a term paper on Leon Walras): Torun?o on Walras.