3-5 Page You are to conduct research and write a three to five page paper on the following subject, Why Do You Do What You Do? and answer the following three questions:
What are the goals, mission, vision and values of your organization?
Is the information available on public display so that all employees are aware?
How is this information communicated to the organizations employees?
Finally, you are to develop an organizational chart listing all of the key leaders, their roles, and discuss how their responsibilities tie to the organizations mission, vision and values.
NOTE: The organizational chart is to be on a separate page and does not count towards the 3-5 pages of written research of your organization.
You are to support your ideas, arguments, and opinions with independent research, include at leasttwo (2) supporting references or sources(NOT Wikipedia, unknown, or anonymous sources), and format your work in accordance with 7th edition APA formatting which includes:
A Title Page (No Running head)
Abstract with (3-5) Keywords
A minimum of 3 FULL pages of written content, Times New Roman, 12 font, 1″ margins, left justified, and
A Reference page
***I will send info on my current employer once the bid is accepted***