For this assignment, you will write an article about an upcoming, local arts event. The event must take place (or open, if it is an ongoing show or exhibition) during this time frame: Oct. 26 – Nov. 9.
Write a preview story, based on your approved pitch.
The preview is to be a Word document, 400 450 words in length, double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman font. Your readers for this assignment are members of the general public, people who have no specialized knowledge about this particular art form. You must include at least two quotes from the person you interview.
** Note: You must include contact information for the person you interviewed and the date and location of the interview, at the end of the story (not included in word count).
Your preview will be graded on your choice of event, understanding of audience, application of journalism techniques (including use of quotes) and writing quality, focus and clarity.