Reading of a Research Article
Part I:
Complete the following information and questions as you read the Research Article.
Title of Article
Is the article considered recent?
______ No
Topic of study
Is this a clinical study? Is this a summary of information from other studies?
Authors of Study
Who wrote conclusions based on study (studies)?
Subjects in Study
Who are the participants in the study? Age? Grade level?
Type of Readers in Study
Below grade level?
On grade level?
Above grade level?
What is the study trying to prove or document?
Summary of Findings
Is the hypothesis proven or supported by the research?
If not, what are the findings?
Can this research inform your teaching practice?
If so how? If nor, why not?
Part II:
Answer the question based on the reading of the research article.
What is the big idea or take away from the article?
How would you use the information in the article to be more effective in the classroom?
What from the article would you incorporate into the LEA approach?